Sunday, October 18, 2020

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Friday, October 16, 2020

the worst one yet

This is likely to be the worst one yet

The nine black robes defending minority rule 

Protecting white supremacy and male domination 

Rolling back our gains won through struggle 

This one is a believer in a medieval religion 

A crusader against a woman's right to choose 

Genuflecting at the feet of those sanctimonious priests

Telling parishioners to obey them their Lord

This one says they are not a scientist

Meaning they don't know that the climate crisis is real

And says sexual orientation is a preference

Meaning they don't recognize LGBTQ rights

This one plans many more reactionary rulings

Protecting the rights of capitalist owners 

Perpetuating the institutions of this racist system

Opposing every progressive reform 

There is a remedy of course 

Better than expanding the number of robes

Which isn't going to happen anyway

And is just one of the many ways the system is rigged 

We need to start over again from scratch

If you want everyone's vote to actually count 

If you want equal rights for everyone to be a reality 

If you want our health and happiness to be a priority 

They aren't going to give it up without a fight 

But we are the majority and we have the means

To compel the changes that are sorely needed 

Because we are the ones who do all the work

Thursday, October 15, 2020