Monday, September 28, 2020

a song of peace and love

Such a seemingly innocuous song of peace and love
Celebrating the dawning of the Age of Aquarius 
An apparent anathema to serious revolutionary struggle
And yet the sensibility entails a radical shift 

Peace demands an end to imperialist wars
Love that follows the golden rule demands equal rights
Caring for everyone in the human family
Providing food shelter education medicine and opportunity 

Sanctions are an act of war attacking the civilian population
That peaceful loving people cannot abide
White supremacy and misanthropic tropes spewing hate
Can only be rejected adamantly by feelings of love

A century ago a similar slogan spoke to the masses
Suffering from imperialist war and starvation
Coalescing into a demand for peace and bread
Simple enough and yet the Russian revolution followed 

Peace not war! Love not hate! Half a century ago
Who would not want to be with that?
And yet there were many opposed to it
Who battled back in the reactionary culture wars

Theirs is a lost cause that fights on viciously 
Using all their dirty tricks to subvert the majority
Hastening the uprising that will be game over for them
Implementing justice for all in a new social system 

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Cedar Pond Highlands Trail September 27, 2020


the promise of unity

The Black Panthers called them fascist pigs
The armed thugs in blue unleashed upon them
Their leaders assassinated in bed or locked away
Shot down and imprisoned on trumped up charges

Having destroyed that revolutionary party
And with Malcolm and Martin murdered
Next came mass incarceration of people of color
Another name for concentration camps

And yet life went on as usual for white people
Most unmoved by what did not affect them
Only beginning to take notice years later
When Black Lives Matter raised awareness

Becoming conscious of systemic racism
Confronted with videos of police brutality
Moving millions to join protests in solidarity
Threatening the forces of law and order

The cops and white supremacist militia know it
They have already lost the hearts and minds
Desperately trying to intimidate through fear
The mass outrage that is boiling over

The working class is an abstract concept
Most people do not identify themselves with
But profiling harassment is a lived experience
Potentially life threatening for people of color

The recognition of the intersection of race and class
Holds the promise of overcoming the divisions
As white people learn how to become allies
Nothing will stand in the way of our unified movement

Saturday, September 26, 2020