Thursday, March 26, 2020

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Brooker Creek March 25, 2020


Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Given the choice of saving millions of lives
Or conducting business as usual
Bottom line calculations drive capitalists
To say the cure can't be worse than the disease.

As we practice distancing and shelter in place 
Trump fumes and his desperate sycophants sing chorus 
Like it's our patriotic duty to be exposed to the pathogen
Volunteering to be culled from the population. 

When I was a young man subject to the military draft 
It was the old men who ordered us to fight and die
Unlike in this pandemic that is putting everyone at risk
Trump would send the elderly in particular to die.

The brutality of capitalism stands in stark contrast 
To the way that China contained the virus
Mobilizing with a single-minded purpose to save lives 
Doing whatever was necessary to get it under control. 

Here what matters most is the stock market 
When shutting down the virus means shutting down commerce
Then push comes to shove and our lives are expendable 
Sacrificed to try to save the wealth of a few rich people. 

Just think what happens if all the old and disabled get snuffed out 
How much less money Social Security and Medicare will pay out
Like this will be a kind of final solution population cleansing 
As the overwhelmed hospitals are forced to triage those left to die.

But all those needless deaths won't save this system
As the financial house of cards collapses around them 
Unable to prop up their confidence game against the panic
Creating the conditions demanding a cure for capitalism