Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Lovers Key December 31, 2019


Monday, December 30, 2019


When the ugly faces of fascism and racism rise
Towards the dystopian rule prevalent in fiction today 
The daily assault of atrocities everywhere beats down
A cold hard rain of despair and disillusion.

While the grifters in government plunder the treasury
The decadence of crony capitalism signals its end of days
Promising things will only get worse in the near term 
As long as the reign of the oligarchs continues. 

Being aware that my personal event horizon approaches 
Knowing what I leave behind is scarcely better than I found it
Such is my disappointment after the heady days of youth
When world revolution loomed waiting in the wings.

And yet the prognosticators never see what's coming 
Looking ahead making predictions as the next decade begins
Not expecting the rise of organized popular resistance 
Demanding the complete overthrow of capitalism. 

Certain that ubiquitous state surveillance will dominate 
Not realizing that technology makes for vulnerability 
Discounting how people can respond to events 
When the crisis of this dead end system hits home. 

To believe in a coming socialist revolution as I do
Seems farfetched when few share my optimism
But as the contradictions intensify into barbarism 
Imagine how the range of possibilities will expand.

The promise of planning for the good of all beckons 
In a time when profits for the few threaten all humanity
The pollution of land, sea and air destroying our earth
Compels us to stop this planetary death machine. 

Six Mile Cypress Slough North December 30, 2019


Sunday, December 29, 2019