Thursday, October 26, 2017

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Home Scene October 24, 2017


October Light

The bright blue October sky brings welcome warmth
Once the late rising sun melts the morning chill
As the afternoon kindles lingering memories of summer
Such perfect weather for our active life.

Some days we move easily almost effortlessly
Feeling energy flow into our steps from every cell
Aware of our bodies evolved from ancient ancestor species
As we transport ourselves enjoying being alive.

Though some days the symptoms of age impinge
Suddenly a twinge flares that demands attention
How a spasm can constrict consciousness
Compelling us to wait for the sensation to let go.

And some days the human construct that frames our lives
Surrounds us with contradictions impossible to deny
The oppression of systematic injustice shouts against
All the ways that science has advanced civilization.

As the gathering crisis touches every facet of daily life
In our brief moment in the great sweep of the universe
As these days tumble together for us marking another year
For me being with you makes every day good.

Saturday, October 21, 2017