Monday, July 8, 2024

early start

Waking up to your cheerful voice 

Announcing happily that you slept in 

I look at my watch surprised 

To see it is just past six thirty 

The summer morning sun is long up 

The screen door is open to the deck 

Letting in the bird feeder soundscape 

With the overnight cooler air

Once this was my workday start

Rising while others stayed asleep 

Quietly departing on a long commute 

Arriving in time to clock in

Greeting the others in the locker room 

Changing into our uniforms 

Waiting for the bell to assemble 

Before getting into our delivery trucks 

Now we dress for our exercise walk 

Getting out early ahead of the high heat

Following our usual route along the river 

Recognizing familiar faces similarly inclined 

You name the birds that we hear 

As we accumulate steps adding up miles 

Enjoying a pleasant walk in the shade 

Delivering a healthful start to our day 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

life changes

Even if you know you don't know 

What it will be or when

Only that there is no question of if

Even if you expect the unexpected 

When forced to make changes

To continue on with your life 

While facing these losses

Sadness hangs in the air 

It takes time to come to terms

With this new reality –

Your life will not be like before

And what comes next is uncertain 

Such a life changing event 

Brings a heightened awareness of

What is most important to hold on to –

Our care and concern for each other 

In appreciation for what we have 

Trusting me while you’re vulnerable 

Such an intimate time

Brings us closer, deeper in love 

Writing this together with you

With our words literally on the same page

I am happy you contributed your edits

Improving our shared expression

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Celery Farm July 6, 2024

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Celery Farm July 4, 2024