Wednesday, December 6, 2023

CREW Bird Rookery December 6, 2023

here and there

Two packages in transit since Monday 

One headed here from you to us

The other headed there from us to you 

Both expected for Thursday delivery

It just happened that way by chance 

Creating a pleasing logistics symmetry 

You sending needed medication 

Us sending a thankyou for everything 

A long sleeve cotton flannel shirt

In a plaid pattern I hope you like

With snap closures instead of buttons

To make your life a little easier

Put on the shirt and feel us with you

Wrapped around you in a warm embrace 

There in the cold winter months

Tending to your weekly chores at our house

As if it were not enough to water the plants

Now numbering forty or more

This year sorting through mail for four people

Scanning to email everything important

You make it possible for us to be here

Enjoying warm weather in our second home

Living the easy life unlike what you face 

Dealing with cancer and other medical issues 

And yet you gladly take it on

Seemingly welcoming the extra tasks

Grateful for the opportunity to help us

Asking for nothing in return

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Harns Marsh December 5, 2023

Monday, December 4, 2023

Bunche Beach December 4, 2023