Monday, September 25, 2023

stationary front

A stationary front sits on us

Raining drizzle this morning

Like yesterday and the day before

Predicted to continue all day

And more of the same tomorrow

Invalidating the New England maxim

If you don't like the weather

Wait a minute and it will change

We are warm and dry inside

But we will go out to walk later

Determined to get our daily exercise

Despite the unpleasantness

You are camping in the wet and cold

Not far from Crawford Notch

Reminding me of being in a tent in the rain 

At the base of Tuckerman's Ravine 

We look out at a hummingbird

Fluttering to fling off the raindrops

Frequenting our feeders while it waits

Anxious to be on its way to the tropics

Reminding us we will soon follow

Making our seasonal peregrination

Going where the insect and flower eaters go

To the warmth of the subtropical winter


Sunday, September 24, 2023

two by two

Two conversations over dinner

Two nights last week hosting

Two young people staying with us

On their way to a friend’s wedding

Just back from months of traveling

Visiting Indonesia, Singapore, and Vietnam

Qatar, South Africa, and Eastern Europe

Thinking now about their next destination

Talking with us about their experiences

Expanding their conscious awareness 

Still processing what they have learned

Ready to go see more of the world

Returning here briefly next week

After witnessing the ceremonial vows

Feeling social and family pressure

To decide to get married themselves

But not from us as we discussed

Supporting them in their choice

Not needing an official imprimatur

To recognize they are life partners

Continuing for now in their travels

Taking a kind of gap year from work

To get a sense of other people and places

Discovering themselves in the process

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Ramapo Valley Reservation September 19, 2023

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Kincaid Woods September 17, 2023