Friday, September 1, 2023

biology lesson

There is no lesson plan or teaching intention

As we walk with a friend through the garden

Just delighted to be among all the flowers

On a perfect blue sky September day 

The vibrant colors glow against the expanse of lawn

As we three move from one panorama to the next

Immersed in early autumn annual and perennial blooms

Formal gardens and meadows and woodland paths

And all the while an intermittent conversation flows

Naming the plants and animals and talking about them

Sharing our knowledge and love of nature

With someone who rarely leaves an urban area

This is a holiday outing for her visiting us

A one day respite from everyday stress and worry

As we put the focus on what is happening around us

Pointing out the details of the birds and the bees

Fascinating life stories to us at least

And today our spare binoculars allow her to see 

Some of what we are talking about 

An otherwise hidden unknown world

Her enthusiastic response makes us all happy 

Though all the specifics may be information overload

She picks up on the main idea as we stand there

Aware of ourselves being part of the web of life 

two primes and a square

A year can be divided by seven and thirteen and four

Imperfectly factored into two primes and a square 

Determined by the motion of the moon and the earth 

Leaving one day as a remainder or two in a leap

The seven day week is a natural unit of time 

Fitting closely with the phases of the moon

With four weeks approximating the lunar cycle

Though a careful observer sees the slippage 

A year spans four seasons of thirteen weeks each

And sometimes contains thirteen full moons 

The so-called blue moon making a season with four

Shifted a bit each year by the leftover days

Fifty-two weeks times seven days makes 364

Coming up a bit short out of sync with the sun

Four seasons times thirteen weeks makes 52

Almost but not quite exactly one year 

Thus the jokers get placed in a deck of cards 

With its four suits of thirteen cards matching up

With our actual seasons and weeks and moons 

Drawing arcane cosmology into games of chance 

Meaning nothing in the end but still interesting to me

Imagining a calendar that could be shuffled and cut

Arranged into a random timeline distribution 

Similar to how some memories play back 

If such a calendar could be dealt around in hands

Games based on imperfect information could be devised

Starting with a kind of thought experiment 

Envisioning incomplete sets of seven and thirteen and four 

Mathematics is quintessentially human

Concepts existing only in the imagination

Constructing proofs of true statements

Numbering our remaining days

Skylands NJBG September 1, 2023

Thursday, August 31, 2023

DeKorte August 31, 2023