Tuesday, November 8, 2022

River to the Sea November 8, 2022

election day

I cringed when he raised his fist victorious

Having declared the election is rigged

A deception that perpetuates the deep state

This total liar hiding behind something true 

Such is the insidious twist of fascism

Turning leftist language into its opposite

Like the women's slogan my body my choice

Thrown back at us by the unmasked

Wearing red as their reactionary badge

Controverting the color of communism 

Replacing liberation with oppression

Cloaked in false freedom phrases 

No matter how the vote turns out today 

The economy will remain in control of us

The dictatorship of capital will continue 

Nothing fundamental will change

Not here where everything has a price

And everyone of necessity participates

Swept up in replicating our daily lives

With no real alternative on the ballot 

Monday, November 7, 2022

River to the Sea November 7, 2022

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Matanzas Inlet November 6, 2022