Thursday, September 29, 2022

Skylands September 29, 2022

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Halifax Road September 28, 2022

basic awareness

Grandfather clock stopped

Sometime in the last two days

As I noticed just now

Prompting me to rewind it

Which reminded me I was confused

Last Sunday when I should have done it 

Regular in my routine to keep it running

Thinking it was Saturday when it was not

A disconcerting mistake to make

Not unusual for someone at my age

Losing track of such a basic awareness

Connecting me to everyday life

If only I could so easily scatter away 

The many thoughts that percolate up

Revisiting people and places in my past

When I need to give it a rest and get to sleep 

Yet everything I can recall is precious

The sum of who I am as I know myself

Without it I would be truly lost

So I go with my retrospective time travel

Thinking back on the high points

Drifting off eventually

All is well when I wake up

As long as I know what day it is 

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Garret Mountain September 27, 2022