Wednesday, December 8, 2021

on strike

The Kellogg strikers boldly rejected the concessions

Their union leadership put up for a vote

To see if the workers would dare to hold out longer 

Enduring the hardship of going without pay

Now facing a terrible threat by the company  

Saying it will hire permanent replacements 

To take their jobs away from them 

To leave the strikers unemployed and defeated

Most people have not walked a picket line

Facing off against the cops the company called 

Prevented from blocking the scabs driving past you

Arrested or run down if you do try to stop them 

Most people these days don't know what it's like 

Being in a union working under a collective contract 

Not since Reagan broke the air traffic controllers strike in 1981

Putting the strikers out of work with replacement scabs

But everyone can understand what's at stake

And appreciate what the strikers are up against 

Bound by laws that give every advantage to the capitalists 

Designed to crush the working class struggle 

Solidarity says we are in this together 

To support the strikers as our brothers and sisters 

When the entire ruling class is on the side of the company 

The strikers really need us on their side 

Matanzas Inlet December 8, 2021

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

GTM NERR December 7, 2021

Monday, December 6, 2021

Summerhouse Patio December 6, 2021