Monday, December 6, 2021

Lake Woodruff NWR December 6, 2021

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Summerhouse Sunset December 5, 2021

omicron optimism

It's possible the omicron variant should be welcomed 

As the endemic version predicted to evolve eventually 

More contagious but milder more like the common cold 

Varieties of coronavirus that are not life threatening

Like the influenza pandemic a century ago 

That swept through in several deadly waves

Before subsiding into our less lethal seasonal flu

We will still want to have vaccines to protect us

And the virus will always be mutating unpredictably 

Making the vaccine formulation a guessing game 

But as long as we take common sense precautions 

We can relax and enjoy everything again without fear

That day is coming sooner or later now

And I am hopeful we are about to learn it's here 

Though there can be no celebration 

When the hospitals are still full to capacity 

But the immediate feeling of relief at long last 

To have survived in a time of great danger 

Will not erase knowing the harm the deniers did 

Remembering all the lives needlessly lost


Moses Creek East December 5, 2021