Thursday, November 11, 2021

Celery Farm November 11, 2021

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Skylands November 10, 2021

time shift

When all the clocks stop for an hour

Frozen in the longest night of the year 

The artificial human calendar determines 

The way we live now. 

On the day when darkness abruptly arrives 

With suddenly long shadows early afternoon 

We need to switch on lights to eat our dinner

Our signal to get going.

The shift from summer time to winter time

Marking the end of our northern sojourn 

Sets our departure date for warmer places 

Seeking the subtropical sun.

We will be walking the beach next week 

Happy to have each other to share it with 

Looking at the many birds we can identify 

Watching the waves roll in. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Mehrhof Pond Losen Slote November 9, 2021