Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Piermont October 19, 2021

Monday, October 18, 2021

a minor thrill

Standing at the kitchen sink 

Rinsing out my coffee cup 

Something caught my eye this morning 

Moving around on the spruce 

If you can picture the window 

Directly behind the double basin 

And the large tree with limbs reaching out

Very close to our hilltop house 

Imagine what I saw to my surprise 

A pair of ruby crowned kinglets 

Scampering about from branch to branch

Searching for insects to eat

I called out to my partner 

Who hurried to come see 

Both birds right there in view so close to us

Briefly visible at eye level

So nice to share the moment 

A minor thrill in our quiet life

The marvel of this tiny long distance traveler

Passing through heading south 

Perhaps you do not know of it

This very small avian migrant 

With apparently enormously exaggerated eyes

Bracketed in bold white accents

Olive except for wing bar stripes 

With a little tuft of red above 

If  you get a good look at the top of its head 

Glimpsed through binoculars

So diminutive so precious 

A bundle of energy in perpetual motion 

So transient seen by chance for just a few seconds 

One of our favorite species 

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Hanks Pond West October 17, 2021

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Celery Farm October 16, 2021