Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Ringwood Manor September 14, 2021

Saturday, September 11, 2021


In a perfect world the earth's orbit 

Would not change from its ellipse

Each year would be still celebrated 

To mark our planet's annual trips 

Time would still be measured 

In days spinning past unceasing 

The tides would still rise and fall 

Like the oceans deep breathing

In a perfect world I would not be writing this 

Trying to keep my thoughts far removed 

From thinking about your diagnosis 

Trying to find ways to be helpful 

Waiting and not worrying is not easy 

Time crawls as if I'm holding my breath 

As the days lurch ahead quickly to your surgery 

Counting down ten days away tomorrow 

Thinking through everything getting prepared 

To be ready for the moment to let it all go 

To suspend probability and all possible outcomes 

To arrive at your actuality hoping for the best 

Events happen in life that change everything 

Teaching us lessons we never forget 

Tell the people you love that you love them 

Take the time to take in each precious day 

When your life hangs in the balance you realize 

What is important and to never mind the rest

What you will take away from this experience 

That will carry you through all that comes next 

Wallkill NWR September 11, 2021

Friday, September 10, 2021

DeKorte September 10, 2021