Sunday, August 8, 2021

Basin Preserve August 8, 2021

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Popham Beach August 7, 2021

Green Point Farm to Merrymeeting Fields August 7, 2021

Friday, August 6, 2021

something the size of a pea

Something the size of a pea

Lodged at the base of the brain 

So necessary to everything else 

Such a grievous source of trouble 

That’s the pituitary gland that has a tumor 

In my daughter my dear sweet daughter 

Told she needs surgery and further treatment 

Learning the possible negative consequences 

Truly terrible awful very bad news 

And yet it could be worse 

As she is quick to point out

And she will likely get her life back intact 

So we hope for the best 

As we wait for the day of incision 

And the follow up test results 

And the patient healing process 

No matter how it all turns out

Nothing can take away who you are 

Knowing how much you are loved 

And what you have given us