Thursday, January 21, 2021

Bunche Beach January 21, 2021

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

capitalist elections

Another capitalist election consummated 

Inaugurating a day meant to begin a new era

Presiding over a good and just government 

Taking care of human needs above all else 

Heralded as the triumph of democracy 

With big plans to address the many crises

Bringing science and enlightened attitudes

To bear on everything that is a problem today

Taking up the urgent cause of global warming 

Giving representation to people of color 

Promising measures to lift up those in need 

All welcome reforms should be encouraged 

And so once again hopes are raised up 

In a ceremony praising this country's ideals

By a politician financed by business owners 

Who are certain to continue business as usual 

In this country all dollars are created equal 

All elections hinge on money from beginning to end

With the capitalists investing in their chosen politicians 

Buying a government that serves their interests 

Do not think that capitalism can change fundamentally 

Forgoing the profits from pollution and exploitation 

Eliminating systemic racism and abject poverty 

Ending imperialist militarist aggression 

The conflict between the people of the world 

And the billionaires who take and take and take more 

Will never be resolved through a capitalist election 

That will always perpetuate a capitalist government 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Audubon Corkscrew Sanctuary January 19, 2021


In time the initial shock wears off

Leaving the lingering hyper alert state 

Eventually becoming exhausted in a deep fatigue 

Needing extra sleep to begin recovery 

It could be an accidental fall serious injury 

Or perhaps receiving a dire diagnosis 

Or even a dog pack attack from behind 

A really bad experience etched in memory 

Or so many other traumas that can happen 

Damaging the entire person to a degree 

Shaking the core sense of trust and safety 

Sudden breaks that are slow to heal

If you have the concern and support 

Given by sympathetic friends and family 

That is some of the best medicine 

Strengthening the bonds between people 

A reminder that we are very vulnerable 

Inhabiting this body that is so very fragile 

In a world that includes random acts of violence 

In addition to much kindness and beauty

All of us accumulate awareness over the years 

That bad things happen now and then 

Catching us by surprise when our guard is down

And yet we need that kind of innocence 

Immersed in this moment in order to free ourselves 

Doing our best to put any fearful thoughts aside 

Opening ourselves up to enjoy this day 

Letting go and letting the bad images fade out