Friday, December 18, 2020

Lovers Key December 18, 2020



Thursday, December 17, 2020

Lakes Park Botanical Garden December 17, 2020

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

in praise of ordinary people

What makes some work essential 

What is necessary for everyday life to continue 

Taken for granted until the pandemic arrived 

Must be recognized with honors going forward 

People who should all be held in high esteem

Who can proudly say what they do is crucial

No matter that some are paid starvation wages 

Our lives and our communities depend on them

Everyone who has a sense of community 

Caring about the well being of their neighbors 

Volunteering if they can to serve and to help 

These are good people who give of themselves 

We need to expand this sensibility of togetherness 

To have empathy for our entire class broadly speaking 

Those with jobs and those without including the homeless 

Everyone from everywhere of every persuasion 

The true revolutionary is guided by a feeling of great love

So said Che and this is the way to reach people 

Touching them by listening and speaking from the heart 

Valuing their contributions and their struggles 

Status is a twisted thing hereabouts 

Glorifying wealth got by grifters and tycoons 

Who do nothing except bring harm to the rest of us

But we reserve our high praise for ordinary people 

The many who face choices and do the right thing 

Trying to be a good person considerate of others 

Carrying a righteous anger over the injustices 

Everyone in our class has witnessed and felt

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Bunche Beach December 15, 2020