Sunday, December 13, 2020

what concerns us

What concerns us as the drama plays out

Watching the transparently naked power grab

What would mean an end to the pretense of democracy 

There is no going back to polite civility 

No matter that the coup may be put on hold

Temporarily pausing the push to take over

The forces of fascism are mobilized 

Eager to continue the battle for white supremacy

With militias now uncaged and unleashed 

Emboldened by the timid liberal opposition 

Trampling whatever rules stand in their way

Armed and preparing to seize control 

There is only one way to stop them 

A general strike shutting down everything 

The majority of workers refusing to go along

Especially the essential workers walking out

Our task is to organize and be ready

To deploy the power of labor withheld 

Nothing is possible without us

Nothing is impossible with the right leadership 

The pandemic has made it quite clear 

Who is essential and who is not 

Who must work in unsafe conditions and who profits

Whose lives are sacrificed to keep commerce open 

This is a class conflict out in the open 

Pitting the demands of business owners 

Against the needs of everyone else

Revealing who is really the enemy of the people 


Cape Coral December 13, 2020

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Sanibel Bailey Homestead December 12, 2020

Sanibel Ding Darling December 12, 2020