Monday, November 30, 2020

the steal

The steal is just starting to take hold 

Set in motion with the most blatant lies

Standing facts on end making stuff up

All to justify seizing power later on

This will be the ultimate white grievance

Refusing to concede their election defeat 

Like those who brandish the racist Confederate flag 

These fascists will take up arms and fight on 

The oath keepers in their blue uniforms killing us

The proud boys and paramilitaries menacing us 

The modern day Ku Klux Klan terrorists continue on

The brutal history of white supremacy 

On land stolen from the native people through genocide 

Enriched with blood money stolen through slave labor 

Ruling through voter suppression and a rigged electoral system 

Now trying to steal the election by claiming it was stolen 

It doesn't matter that this preposterous claim isn't working 

When millions of followers are duped into believing it's true 

They will try to take back what they think they are entitled to 

Unless they are forcefully stopped 

They will not relinquish power peacefully 

Not that any change in overall ownership is happening 

But any transition towards diversity is anathema to them

So we must be prepared to fight back hard

Six Mile Cypress Slough November 30, 2020

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Bunche Beach November 29, 2020

Estero River November 29, 2020