Wednesday, July 1, 2020

this time for keeps

If the coincidence of what else happened
On any particular calendar date in the past
Determined anything about our lives based on our birth date
Then you might as well believe in astrology.

But the contours of the events that surround us
Growing up in a particular place and time
Do inform our awareness of the world as adults
What we know personally without a doubt. 

You living in Detroit in the 1950s automobile prosperity 
When almost everything was made in USA
To the summer of 1967 when the rebellion was crushed
Awakening awareness of racism and resistance. 

Me witnessing that inner city burning
And the poor whites joining in taking home the goods
And the airborne troops arriving in their convoy
On the anniversary of the Cuban revolution. 

Taking our lessons from events
Taking a new look at everything we had been taught 
Changing the course of our lives
Like what we see happening today. 

More than fifty years later this much has changed 
The increasing climate crisis threatening humanity 
The Soviet Union dismembered but China ascendant 
Cell phones capturing the brutality of racist police.

The utter failure of the decadent capitalist government
To effectively contain the spread of the COVID pandemic 
Compelling more and more people to consider alternatives 
Including the youth who bring their energy to the struggle. 

There's going to be a day like Bastille Day again 
With the poor and oppressed jubilantly released from prison 
When the entire ruling class is dispossessed 
Liberating reparations and the promise of a better future.

What is possible with a government set up for all of us 
Especially the essential workers and poorest people 
Dismantling the police state and global finance empire 
This time for keeps.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Colonial Park June 29, 2020


Saturday, June 27, 2020

compilation 2019-2020

public domain PDF

the surge

Look at the fascists in their red hat uniform worn here today
Who tout their Make America Great Again nostalgia slogan 
Trying  to hold onto white protestant male hetero supremacy rule 
Imposed through racist sexist violence legal and extralegal. 

The pandemic is coming to get them
Unmasking their attempts to deny the obvious truth
When socialism succeeds by following science for all to see
They have made America First in deaths.

The surge once meant sending a swarm of soldiers
To subjugate a population resisting occupation 
And success meant staving off the inevitable defeat 
As endless war eventually leads empires to collapse. 

Now the surge means the spread of infections
Attacking more rampantly in the most capitalist places
Attacking most viciously where right wing politicians rule
Threatening the total disintegration of society.

When healthcare is denied for so many 
When so many workers don't have sick leave
When profits come before people
This pandemic rages out of control. 

The surge of people in the streets protesting police brutality 
Protesting against the entire system of white supremacy 
Takes on a special urgency in a time of pandemic
When all of our lives are at stake.

The imperative of unbridled capitalism 
Forces millions of people to risk their lives 
Or go hungry and homeless 
Or fight like hell to throw them out.