Monday, April 13, 2020

Sunday, April 12, 2020

not so great

As bulldozers dig large pits for mass burials
In New York City and surrounding areas
The surge of hospital admissions is leveling off
And the daily toll of virus deaths has stabilized.

These days this is what passes for good news
That it's not getting any worse than it is already 
Though of course the numbers are horrendous 
Even with so many not tested and not counted. 

Everyone knows what will happen next
The moment people resume living as before 
Mingling together in stores and workplaces 
Exposing millions and spreading the contagion.

And yet the alternative means mass starvation 
For so many out of work with no savings 
In this capitalist dog eat dog economy 
The hungry will have to take their chances. 

Why so many people are hoping for a quick end
To sheltering in place that is not sustainable 
Like living in the trenches of an earlier war
Waiting to go over the top into the field of fire.

These are the people who do the work 
That we depend on for our basic needs 
Paid meager wages just enough to get by
Faced with a desperate survival choice.

If you grew up hearing how lucky we are 
To live in the greatest country on earth 
Look around now at the difference elsewhere 
At places showing a more effective response.

With a health care system that is free to all
And so much guaranteed by a social safety net 
Where government serves ordinary people 
The virus is contained and under control. 

Those countries are going to leave us behind 
Mired in financial collapse and deep depression 
With the business tycoons raiding the treasury 
And imposing austerity on all social services here. 

Or maybe not if together we don’t put up with it
No longer allowing the rigged elections farce
Seizing power to take control over our lives
Creating a society designed for the benefit of all.

Kapok and Eagle Lake April 12, 2020
