Friday, April 10, 2020

reaching out

Some people don't want to live past ninety
My stepmother for instance 
Who has a birthday coming up 
Ruefully says she has lived too long.

A birthday card might not be well received
Unwelcome congratulations on surviving 
When she would rather not be here
Experiencing inexorable memory loss.

A younger person might not understand 
Thinking perhaps living long is a contest
You win if you outlast everyone else
Not realizing the lost feeling of those left behind.

She's not gone yet which is good for us
Who would like her to be around longer 
But she quit computer communications 
And dismantled her phone beyond repair. 

That's called sending a message
A different kind of cord cutting 
A complete estrangement closing in 
Though the post office still remains. 

I can make no argument against her choice
Nor do I think she would listen to me 
When the last remaining control is to say no 
We can only hope she finds a reason to live.

We all have reasons to be sad deep down 
But we can see the beauty that surrounds us 
Taking delight in everyday existence 
There for anyone to embrace and enjoy. 

We have our developing lives to share
That she could let become a part of hers
If we reach out and offer to include her
Spreading around some joie de vivre.

Lake Seminole April 10, 2020


Thursday, April 9, 2020

Taylor Lake April 9, 2020


Wednesday, April 8, 2020