Wednesday, April 8, 2020


The birds on the beach undisturbed by people
Do not know the reason for the human absence 
Taking the chance to forage without interruption
Timed perfectly to benefit the spring migration. 

We can see them from the seawall by the bay
Watching from a distance we are not a threat 
As they eat voraciously to store up energy 
In preparation to make the long flight north.

The longer that the beaches remain closed
The better for everything that lives there 
Especially the shorebirds nesting in the sand 
Suddenly given back an expanse of habitat.

I suppose this year may be especially good 
For them breeding in relative peace and quiet 
Increasing their numbers after recent losses
Reversing their decline at least temporarily. 

Everything is good for some form of life 
Though we put our own well being first 
In this time of great suffering worldwide 
Being in nature provides a momentary comfort.

Crescent Lake April 8, 2020


Vinoy Park April 8, 2020


Coffee Pot Rookery April 8, 2020
