Monday, March 9, 2020

twenty eight

The only thing that really matters is
For you to know how much you are loved
From when you were a child until now
For the wonderful person you are

As you navigate through transitory experiences
Feelings in moments that come and go 
People who arrive and depart from our lives
Passing through the places we inhabit

You will endure through thick and thin
Holding onto your core beliefs
Knitting together supportive relationships
Knowing what’s important

Being smart without showing off
Being kind and thoughtful of others
Being honest almost to a fault
Being gentle with any criticism

You set a good example as a teacher
Inspiring everyone around you to be a better person
Sure to achieve great things working hard
Whatever purpose you take on as your own

Indian Rocks Beach March 9, 2020


Sunday, March 8, 2020

advice to a friend

More than 50 million people died in the 1918 pandemic
With an estimated one third of the world population infected
That new virus sprung loose upon an unprepared population
More deadly than all the combat fatalities in World War I.

If that same rate of infection happens now
More than 100 million people will catch it here
More than 2.5 billion around the world
Perhaps reaping a toll greater than those 50 million.

What should be obvious to everyone by now
Without testing there can be no containment
COVID-19 is already out there spreading in the community
Telling us to take steps to minimize our exposure.

In this country the government response is a fail
Ineffective on so many levels too little too late
The scary headlines revealing more every hour 
Dismantling Trump’s lies faster than he can tweet them.

The medical system so totally unprepared
Having no capacity for a large influx of intensive care patients
With a shortage of beds, equipment, and staff
Lacking enough needed masks and protective clothing.

Which leaves us to take individual measures
Doing what little can be done in hopes we are spared
Assuming anyone we meet with may be infectious
Assuming every surface we touch may be contaminated.

Be obsessive compulsive about washing your hands
Try not to touch your face especially your nose, eyes, and mouth
Be agoraphobic avoiding public places if you can
Keeping your distance from other people.

Being an older person at high risk
Live your life as isolated as you can make it
Though we all would like to go on as before
What we can’t see can hurt us.

Saturday, March 7, 2020