Friday, February 28, 2020

Thursday, February 27, 2020

the essence of alienation

As a worker compelled to do a job for pay
Putting aside what else I might like to do 
Closing off what else I might like to think about 
That is the essence of alienation from oneself. 

Living that way for most of my adult life
Being a commodity sold to perform a task 
Serving the needs of whatever business to make money 
For the purpose of enriching the owners. 

Working for a nonprofit not altogether different 
With job descriptions and structures similarly organized 
Though the enterprise mission may be to help people
Supervisors push for efficiency and productivity. 

Having partners as a founder of an idealist company
Hiring staff with the best intentions to do right by them
Selling software to help social service providers doing good 
Yet still we separated off into our own private office class.

The divisions so intrinsic to our society inform everything 
Creating a mindset that has us competing individually to survive 
Learning to distrust what we are told by self-serving people 
Watching out that what little we have isn't taken away. 

No longer having to worry about any of that personally 
Being old enough to be finished with working for wages
Being fortunate to have ample finances to support me 
Allows me the leisure to fully experience my humanity. 

Paying attention to whatever interests me each day 
Creating images and words making meaning as I see fit
Sharing my thoughts with the people who know me
Enjoying the time I have being with loved ones near me.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

coming events

The old men are in big trouble now
With their weaker immune responses than the women 
With their higher rates of smoking 
With their failure to wash their hands regularly. 

We can see it coming without knowing exactly what will happen 
The pandemic that will overwhelm containment 
The ineffective Trump government cronies in denial 
The incapable profit driven hospitals already running at capacity. 

After all the criticism heaped on China these past months
Where the emergency is being brought under control
The full extent of the disaster here will shake the foundations
Calling into question the capitalist system that failed us.

After all this time to prepare the official test kits don't work 
And no one is allowed to use any alternatives that do 
While the pretender-in-chief talks vaccines playing us for fools
The idea that it will all go away in spring is his best hope. 

So many old white men who cheer in support of the racist grifter gang
About to be swept into the dustbin of history sooner than they expected
Though the evangelicals won't attribute it to a vengeful God
Still they will be taken aback at the sudden turn of events. 

Impossible to imagine such an upheaval will happen 
Except when a desperate need for solutions demands it
A matter of life and death in the face a bankrupt system 
Such a vision of radical transformation seen by this old man.