Thursday, March 16, 2017

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

science today

I remember the fellow traveler Sputnik blinking across the night sky
As my family stood in our back yard watching awed and amazed, not realizing
Being eleven years old I would benefit from the fearful reaction funding science
Investing massively in education and research and development.

That satellite flashing like a beacon for all the world to see
The technological superiority of the Soviet Union
Spreading panic among the rulers that their demise was on the horizon
Such irony to name their answering exploding rocket launch Vanguard.

The elevation of science in those days to the curriculum priority
How different from today when science is disputed by the government
When science is only funded privately to produce agribusiness and pharmaceutical profits
When schools teach against evolution and climate change is questioned.

The science advanced back then connected pollution to human health
Like acid rain downwind caused by power plants burning coal
Like lung disease caused by automobile exhaust and trash burning smog
Like cancer caused by pesticides and industrial wastewater discharge.

Activists mobilized to stop such harmful poisoning of the earth
As if the government’s purpose is to ensure the public good
Enacting environmental protection regulations to restrain the worst offenders
Rules that get dropped now as an oppressive burden to business.

Today science in the service of capitalism is a contradiction
When social costs and benefits are ignored by the policy makers
The notion of the scientist as independent from politics is untenable
As the basic research budget gets cut and given to military aggression.

As they hasten to eliminate the EPA science to boost polluter profits
Rousing even the otherwise apolitical to want to resist
Plans for a massive march in support of science take shape
Building a resurgent opposition to the capitalist business imperative.

The facts remain, stubbornly arguing against the deniers
Inviting any honest person to explore alternative government structure
Leading to an investigation of scientific socialism as the solution
To bring about a science dedicated to serving the needs of the people.