Monday, June 6, 2016


Seven is the luckiest number East or West
Bringing relationships togetherness in China
While Europeans gamble in games of chance
Throwing the dice the total most likely to come up.

How lucky I am that I met you that many years ago
Around the corner from the old headquarters
Catching up on all the years of our lives
Since we organized for the revolution in our youth.

You stayed with it and became a leader
While I moved out of the city and out of touch
Working long hours to support a family
Struggling through difficult marriages.

The day came when you stepped back
Ready to reach out to be with a companion
When I myself was searching for a partner
Good timing for me to connect with the happy hiker.

I think on my good fortune to be with you now
To hear the kindness in your gentle voice
That lifts my spirits as we walk together
Looking ahead to many years of shared happiness.

For your complete honesty in all things
For the way you always consider others
For your passion to learn new things
I trust you knowing the good person you are.

For leaving me the space to be creative
Taking photographs and writing poems
For your loving touch when I am next to you
I rest content and safe in your embrace.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Friday, June 3, 2016