It’s happening! They’re here!
Timed with the insect emergence
The first warblers of the spring have arrived.
We see yellow streaks moving about in groups
Foraging busily feeding in the daytime
Gathering energy reserves for the next night flight
Navigating their way to their nesting grounds
Such small birds you only see them if you look closely.
Soft sweet little calls signal their presence
Though you need binoculars to see what’s there
If you can catch some movement to know where to look
If you can focus and get a glimpse before it moves.
This is an identification challenge that takes practice.
This first week before the trees leaf out it’s easier.
Soon the wiggling leaves will obscure our view
And confuse our brains trying to detect movement.
This is the birder’s delight for a few brief weeks:
The chance to see a bird we’ve never seen before
The chance to see something beautiful carrying on
Traveling the same amazing trip once again.