for Wendy
You are sharing how it was for you those last days,
You continuing to speak to her when she could not respond,
You with so many more conversations to have with her,
Reciting the 23rd psalm over and over to ease her transition.
You lead the congregation in unison reciting the psalm
And I know it by heart and I am with you saying good-bye.
You are so emotional. Your cup runneth over.
Your heartfelt connection with her moves my heart.
Later we are talking about your special ability,
How you sense the feelings of others,
How you feel the feelings of others not expressed,
How you are compelled to express what you feel from them.
That was a gift for us there in the congregation that day,
On that special day when we make our peace
And a vibrant life becomes a collective memory.
It was an exceptional day.
Other days your gift is not so welcome.
Other times what you feel is denied.
It’s just your crazy feeling, don’t imagine
It really exists. That denial is so hurtful.
You have the companion gift of completely disingenuous trust.
If you give your word, that is your bond.
What you promise is what you do, absolutely.
And all the deceits of the world are devastating betrayals.
You have such passion to do good.
You truly love all the people of the world,
Not in an abstract way but for real in the things you do
For every person fortunate to cross your path.
Now is a time when your spirit is wounded.
You have lost she who was a part of yourself.
You are no longer whole. You were not prepared
For such an overwhelming loss.
Now my heart goes out to you.
Now I so deeply regret that I ever pushed you away
When I couldn’t handle your intense affection.
I will go to you and comfort you as best I can.