Saturday, April 30, 2022
Friday, April 29, 2022
oh deer
The sign says no running or jogging
But the deer can't read and don't care
Acting as if the path was made for them
Stepping aside for me reluctantly
The sign says no picking or digging up plants
But the deer disregard the rules for people
Eating whatever vegetation they fancy
Leaving aside the ones they don't like
The deer share a common aversion
With those who detest the invasives
But the deer distaste has the opposite effect
Making the unwanted plants proliferate
The sign says it's a nature preserve
Meant to be kept as habitat for native species
And the deer qualify on that account
But their numbers devour too many valued plants
Looking into their curious but wary eyes
Making a connection with another sentient being
Certainly I would not wish to harm them
Because who are we to find fault in numbers
We who are so much more numerous
We who occupy their original habitat
We who exterminated their predators
Other than people that is
I wish the sign could be revised
Pick only invasive plants and remove them
Leaving alone all the native plants
Helping maintain the nature preserve
Posted by
sought after
11:36 AM
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
missed call
We have a regular weekly call my friend and I
Just chatting about whatever comes up
Just happy for our lives to continue along for now
Making the most of our remaining days
But this week I could not reach him
Because his phone is out of service range
While he's away on an extended trip
Leaving me here missing his voice
Being unreachable is not yet permanent
And I am surely not ready for that finality
But it's never far from our thoughts he and I
Sharing the same serious diagnosis and surgery
Both found to have prostate cancer some years ago
But his disease got into his bones and mine did not
So his progression looms over our conversations
Kept in check for seven years and counting
I listen when he says he holds out hope for a cure
Something his doctor tells him is still possible
And from my fortunate position I set aside his chances
Supportive that he's not resigned to the inevitable
Our phone call is a necessary lifeline I need
Something I asked for that he does for me
To reassure me that we have more time left together
Though today I hear nothing but the silence waiting
Posted by
sought after
7:48 AM