Friday, March 31, 2017

Thursday, March 30, 2017

bad news

Watching the spectacle of the politicians posturing
Feeling put upon by the fake reality show drama
Bankrupt policies result no matter which side wins
When both sets of actors are owned by big money interests.

The race to the bottom continues as the ongoing theme
Never enough profit for the capitalist owners
Deflecting worker’s anger onto blameless immigrants
Stoking divisive hatred against people of color.

Funding taken from everything and anything that provides social good
Stolen for the war machine for death and destruction
This is a system that cannot continue for long now
On a trajectory to hit bottom like a drug addict.

Poisoning the planet with pollution
Even the enormous ocean gags on garbage
As habitat is eliminated and countless species go extinct
The circle will close in consequence for us humans.

Fear of global war bringing devastation everywhere
Eclipsing the drone strike terrorism seen today
If we survive only to repeat the work of capitalist recovery
Such a terrible scourge upon humankind.

The masses of people must make an intervention
To stop the impending catastrophe of the commons
Raising up new leadership to construct sustainability
The only way forward to a happy future.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Monday, March 27, 2017

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Saturday, March 25, 2017

St. Augustine Shores March 25, 2017


imminent departure

Little Khloe uses her finger to write her name in the wet sand
Asking her father for help to spell it
Asking where the waves come from
Dancing delighted through the surf foam on the beach.

The waves come all the way across the wide ocean he says
Commenting to us the K could use some help
Happy to be with his happy child
She the innocent experiencing the wonders of the world.

Her mother smiles and we smile on them
As they continue on their way
While we stop to listen and look at the waves
Contemplating the endless variations.

We walk the edge in the evening after dinner
A mile or more each way
Watching the sky and water change color
Watching for gannets far offshore diving for fish.

High tide comes as the sunset approaches
Waning crescent or gibbous moon
Two weeks to repeat the cycle
Keeping us in touch with the lunar presence.

Flocks of hundreds of cormorants pass overhead
Great V’s migrating north pointing the way
We will travel ourselves in a few days
The end of our winter sojourn in the south.

Thursday, March 23, 2017